Company's Performance Results in the Murmansk Region

By the end of 2023, the average weight of fish reached 0.87 kg. In the second half of 2024, we plan to start harvesting and selling fish of marketable weight. The harvesting and sale of marketable products from INARCTICA's fish farms in the Murmansk Region continued throughout the year, amounting to 31.3 kt of marketable fish in live weight.

Plans for 2024

We will keep stocking three to five fish farms with salmon and trout fry in 2024. INARCTICA PJSC will consistently implement the current biological safety strategy, salmon louse control and other regulatory procedures of the Company.

We intend to develop and exploit new sites in the Barents Sea and maintain stable cycles of stocking and harvesting.

In addition, we will pursue cooperation with the state authorities to continue subsidising interest rates on loan agreements, as well as developing additional support measures for aquaculture.